Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sexy Fit Boot Camp

July first, my family and I made a move from South Bend, Indiana to Memphis, Tennessee. Jared will be going to school here for the next four years for pharmacy. With this move, we've made a new commitment to each other about getting more healthy as a family. So, i joined an eight week boot camp class held at a local park. Yesterday was my first class and let me tell you. What a testament to how out of shape i am and how not used to this kind of weather i am. It was 90 degrees and fifty percent humidity. I tried so hard to finish. SO hard. But when it came to our second set of burpee's, my body was spent. I started getting light headed, i started to get shaky and sick to my stomach. Jamie, one of the trainers, sat me down and made sure i didn't need medical attention. She basically told me to take better care of myself. She asked me what i had eaten that day (which i reluctantly told her because it included a lack of breakfast and fast food) and had a small eye opening experience. She challenged me to just take time for myself. Self reflection. Something more than one person has asked me to do. Something i don't do. Hardly ever. This last year, I've been so busy working i'm now in the habit of just crashing on the couch and worrying about work more than anything else. I've worried about work more than my kids, even. Now with these next four years, i'll more than likely be a stay at home mom. I now have ample time in my day to reflect. To be active with my family. To start doing the things i knew i should have been doing all along. We have a date tonight so i'm not sure i'll be able to got again tonight, but i'm anxious to go again and see how i improve. Maybe this will get my butt going. Maybe this is what will start this new experience off right. I'll just have to make it that way!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So, here is some good news for me!

A few weeks before Christmas, i weighed myself. 193. Super excited. I had lost about five pounds before that weigh in, and i was just excited to see the number had gone DOWN!

So, the holiday season came along. December, between Jared doing finals and me scrambling for gifts and what not last minute, i hit the gym probably 2-3 times that month.

I weight myself, 193.

By the grace of GOD i did not gain any weight over Christmas.

Thinking surely New Years did me in, I weighed myself yesterday...


I know this is nothing to write home about, truly. But for me, maintaining during Christmas is a big deal.

Some more good news came my way last week when Jared finally signed up for classes.
His schedule permits me to leave the house EVERY morning and go to the gym. did you read that? Every morning! I'm super excited.

This week as been the, "getting back into good habits" week. Which my body really feels like it's responding positively to and i, though tired from saying up late, feel a ton of energy and relief.

And one more bit of happiness to end the post. Jared and I are in this together. I actually got him to commit to doing this with me. I'm going to see if i can get him to start training for a 5k to do with me in the spring, but that means we BOTH will need new running shoes. And, lets face it, we have no money to do it with.

Well, I'm sore, I'm excited, and i feel great this week.

If i maintain, i can still be ok with me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

last week i lost three pounds.

this week, ugh.
finals need to be over and i need money for real food again. my house has nothing in it and i have no money to fill it. i was stuck this week with whatever someone else had for me and i wasn't going to complain.

i HATE being poor.

that is not the point.

i've been super lethargic this week. my body is just tired. ... i am writing this blog at 11:30... ::shifty eyes::

i know my iron is low. i know that taking a pill is NOT the best way to boost it up and i need some SPINACH. because i know i have low iron problems, i am going to challenge myself to eat a bag of spinach a week. y.u.m. and i'm not even being sarcastic. i LOVE spinach.

i took some pictures of myself today. i'm thinking i may take them once a week so i can see the progress in a picture.

I hate the phrase nothing tastes as good as skinny feels and i've ALWAYS hated it.
but more and more, after i eat those "naughty" foods, i feel awesome during, and not so hot after.

i know i like sweets and i feel like i haven't been able to address it with a healthy option... no money... no food... ect ect ect.

next week will be better.
next week is finals.
the week after is christmas.
if i can lose lbs after thanksgiving, i can lose it after this whole mess of holiday/finals stress.

i felt so stinking proud when i saw the scale.

i want that every week.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

i have been feeling fantastic this week! I've done quite well this week and the beginning of last week. There was Thanksgiving, but i honestly CANT beat myself up for loving that holiday.

I'm pretty excited about how i've been doing this week. Monday and today i worked out like a BOSS! I did my plan of a 60 min cardio and a little Yoga. ALSO! on tuesday, i told myself i wasn't going to get fast food, and I DIDN'T! go me, right? I've had to switch weights to thursday but it looks like i won't make it this week. i'll have to do some at home.

i just need to keep the faith. I recently saw that It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks.

I'm going to make myself proud.

Friday, November 4, 2011

My Plan Revamp

Well, I've kind of failed at my last attempt. But i didn't gain any weight. Does that count as a success?

I was lucky enough to upgrade my membership at my gym and am now able to go six days a week. Well, more like five, but now i have a plan to use my membership.

Here is my plan:
Monday: Cardio
20 min Bike
20 min elliptical
20 min jog

Tuesday: Upper Body

Wednesday: Cardio

Thursday: Yoga at Home
This, and Sunday, are the only days I can't go to the gym.

Friday: Cardio
I would really like to Sprint Train on these days. I'd love to start training for a 10k or plus. I've heard really great things about adding sprint training to build endurance

More good news. I have a TERRIBLE time getting out of bed in the morning. Anyone who knows me knows i do. That is one huge thing i had to get a handle on. I'm twenty three for goodness sake. I can learn how to get out of bed. I am proud to say that Wednesday and Friday i got up on my FIRST alarm. I'm seriously proud of myself. You have no idea. I'm now using my workout as a motivation to get out of bed in the morning.

I feel like i'm getting off on a really great foot...


Food creeps into the picture.

I think i may be addicted to sugar. I'm going to try a refined sugar fast. For at least a week. I think I'll feel better afterwards.

Also! I'm going to start planning my lunches. I have a habit of just grabbing what i can find the pantry/fridge and it's becoming unhealthy. I think if i start planning my lunches, i can avoid that.I'm still keeping my dinners for me but adding more protein/veggie less carbs . Now the hardest part for me is night time. i know a lot of people have this problem. Here is my solution. I LOVE popcorn. Seriously love it with all my stinking heart. So, what am i going to do about it? I'm going to let myself have it. I have these 100 cal bags that are going to be my splurge. That being said. I have to really watch my snacking during the day. I typically do really well, but some days i get the munchies, you know?

Anyway. That is my plan. I feel like hopeful. Jared really supportive and so awesome about helping me do this.

Now, after i lose my weight, it's my turn to get HIS butt in shape.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm doing ok.

I've been doing OK this week. I've exercised pretty much everyday and today i feel excellent. i did have fast food yesterday. Probably not a good idea. But i'm feeling ok today. not guilty and self loathing.

I did up my work out as well. I am not sore enough. i think i need to switch it up.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

bad day.

So i totally lost it yesterday. for some reason i had no "off" button. i was insatiably hungry. i could not get enough to eat. so... i ate so much, i threw up.

what the hell, emily?

I'm more that a little ashamed. So today is a serious recover day. I'm about to go off for a run and I've been really good this morning.

I am not doing so well.

I think it had to do with my terrible few days.

Monday i found out i was losing my job...
I was by myself alllll ddddaaayyyy tuesday (hence my secret binge)
A few of my friends are ignoring me. Completely.
I don't see Jared during the week anymore...

It's been rough.

I'm not doing well with my personal challenge...