Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So, here is some good news for me!

A few weeks before Christmas, i weighed myself. 193. Super excited. I had lost about five pounds before that weigh in, and i was just excited to see the number had gone DOWN!

So, the holiday season came along. December, between Jared doing finals and me scrambling for gifts and what not last minute, i hit the gym probably 2-3 times that month.

I weight myself, 193.

By the grace of GOD i did not gain any weight over Christmas.

Thinking surely New Years did me in, I weighed myself yesterday...


I know this is nothing to write home about, truly. But for me, maintaining during Christmas is a big deal.

Some more good news came my way last week when Jared finally signed up for classes.
His schedule permits me to leave the house EVERY morning and go to the gym. did you read that? Every morning! I'm super excited.

This week as been the, "getting back into good habits" week. Which my body really feels like it's responding positively to and i, though tired from saying up late, feel a ton of energy and relief.

And one more bit of happiness to end the post. Jared and I are in this together. I actually got him to commit to doing this with me. I'm going to see if i can get him to start training for a 5k to do with me in the spring, but that means we BOTH will need new running shoes. And, lets face it, we have no money to do it with.

Well, I'm sore, I'm excited, and i feel great this week.

If i maintain, i can still be ok with me.

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